My car has been bucking at low motor load since a long time. Yesterday I saw that the front side spark plugs had a black colour and the other side was white-grey. Is a common problem for the front cylinders probably to be found in the fuel system. Any idea?
VR6 cylinder 2, 4, 6 dark sparkplug
Why is it so difficult to get an answer? Is it because no one has an answer or is it difficult to understand or answer in English? It is OK to answer in German, I can get help to translate if I can't understand. Or is it that you don't want to answer because I'm not a german? Send me a line about this.
i don't have a vr6 so i cannot answer you your question, but i dont' think at all, that anyone refuse his knowledge because your not a german ..
I'm from austria and also got help.
To your problem, i mean there's a genrell problem with the first spark plug.
Just wait a little time, and you will hopefully get an answer
I understand you, but i've never seen this difference between the spark plugs.
Jetzt mitmachen!
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