I have the possibility to buy a secondhand Corrado VR6 in the Netherlands, we know it was a german car, is there a way to find out if the car was stolen or has had some damage before? In Holland we know an: "Autopas" it's like a passport for your car. Any tips anyone? Are there things you typically have to watch out for when you buy a VR6? Any known malfunctions? The car is from 1992 and has 89.000 km on the clock (is the on board computer tamper-free? Guaranteed run kilometres?
I would be really helped by the information, so thanks!
Help I bought a vr6?
I you have the possibility to go to an german Police Station you can ask there if it is stole . you need the car identity nummber you can find it near the wipper under the "motor haube".
And no the board computer is not tamper free. -
Hey, Anne: The digital KM-clock can be faked with some electronic help. But there are some certain indicators to see, wether your car has actually more Kms on the clock : For example the steering wheel: If it looks really used, then something under 100.000 Km seems to be wrong. Or the seats: If they look really worn out, than the KM-clock might be turned down as well! Make a test-drive, then you might as well be able to say whether the motor is still allright or if it has some serious problems! Look at the motor: If it is so clean that you can eat from it, it might be cleaned to hide some problems with losing oil or whatever. If you want to buy the VR6, take it to a near VAG-garage and let them check the motor and the other important things! It should not cost you more than 100 Gulden.
Greets Max
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