Is it possible to retrieve previous German owners from imported Dutch car?

  • Hi there

    In Germany owners of a car have a Fahrzeugbrief which also lists all previous owners of the car.
    When I buy a car which has been imported to Netherlands some years ago (there is no German Fahrzeugbrief or a copy available), is it possible to retrieve a copy of this old brief or at lease the data that was on it, by some German office ? ? (based on Fahrgestellnummer)

    This in order to retrieve as much information as possible from the car's history ...

  • The system of the german "Fahrzeugbrief" was changed. Since October 2005 you get the "Zulassungsbescheinigung" where just the last two previous owners of the car are listed. This is a consequence of the regulations concerning the data privacy. So even if the authorities would keep such a database, I am afraid you wont get any information.

    Maybe the following links could help you. (You can also ask there.)…_en/zfzr__inhalt__en.html

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